poem a day 2024

We are who we’ve got.

For me, it’s a feeling akin to the quick-singeing, copper sunlight which pokes through the dot mesh blue at the top of the windshield; how it cracks across your eyes and warms your cheek.

Sometimes, it hurts to stare too long; the divined spine between the fires in your eyes as inflamed by the spirit of yourself as another. Their pain, their pleasure as enraptured to you as your own is.

So, like the sun lights the way, we bow out in beams, the golden plumes soaring across the expanse. I to me to you to you to me to I.

Together. If you’d like.

How to Participate

  • Fill out this form so I can add you to the folder.

  • When in the folder start a new document, titled with your name.

  • Write a poem a day, when you can.

  • When you can’t, forgive yourself.

I definitely read others’ work during this and encourage others to read mine. You have such you thoughts and feelings! Thank you for being you!