
Often reclusive, but here, I am a white 29 year old queer poet currently based out of Vermont.

My work is often an exploration of me, the words I miss most. Whether that is the moment of apologizing to a fish who’s jaw has been torn open or the slutty debauchery of a Grindr hookup, I try to find beauty and pain as a willing participant.

Mostly self-published, and still a dirty DIY punk, you can find free downloads of all zines/chapbooks I’ve made myself on this site in their respective spaces. For published work available elsewhere, links and credits will be provided.

“A poem can’t free us from the struggle for existence, but it can uncover desires and appetites buried under the accumulating emergencies of our lives, the fabricated wants and needs we have had urged on us, have accepted as our own. It’s not a philosophical or psychological blueprint; it’s an instrument for embodied experience. But we seek that experience, or recognize it when it is offered to us, because it reminds us in some way of our need. After that rearousal of desire, the task of acting on that truth or making love, or meeting other needs, is ours.”

- Adrienne Rich, “Voices from the air” What Is Found There?



  • B.A. English, focus in creative writing / Rhode Island College

noted works